As mais recentes especulações, especialmente no twitter, que parece ser a central de especulações das redes sociais, dão conta da chegada Dario Conca, ex-florminenC, hoje, perdido nos confins da China.
A bem da verdade, já se fala em Conca há mais tempo.
Assim como Robinho, cujas especulações perderam força, após veementes declarações negativas sobre o por parte de membros da diretoria do Clube.
Uma parte da torcida vibra. Outra xinga quem vibra, cobrando pés no chão.
A outra especulação é a eventual saída de Bernard, após a Libertadores.
Kalil já disse que só vende se tiver uma proposta irrecusável, sendo que a (também especulada) proposta de 20milhões de euros não foi considerada irrecusável. Agora, recentemente, volta-se com o papo de que proposta irrecusável.
Junte os pontos, prezado leitor-passageiro.
Conca vem com o dinheiro da venda de Bernard!? Pode ser.
Bom negócio, porque ainda sobraria uma grana!? Pode ser também (já já começarão os debates técnico-táticos e a perda de qualidade na rapidez do ataque que Bernard hoje impõe).
E Robinho!? Perdeu força mesmo, ou Conca seria só fumaça para distrair as atenções sobre eventual negociação de Robinho!?
Mas, como dissemos antes, é tudo especulação, embora tenha alguma base fática mais sólida que as anteriores.
Que Bernard não ficará até o fim ano é fato, diante de suas atuações em 2012 e até agora em 2013, na Libertadores.
Quem virá para seu lugar, ou mesmo para compor elenco, ou reforçar outra posição, é a interrogação do momento.
Durma-se com o barulho dos helicópteros sobrevoando a Cidade do Galo...
Aguardando a chegada do GM10.
ResponderExcluirNa boa, para mim Robinho é fraco! Pseudo craque que só brilhou no Santos. Assim como o Pato, supervalorizado. São bons jogadores, mas não passam disso!
ResponderExcluirAnother fact that proves that football camisas futebol replicas as Spain have proven to be a force to reckon with when it comes to the sport; that is why you can easily spot someone wearing an Espana camiseta whenever there is an international football tournament. Not only the Spanish national team has a lot of support but love for Spanish football can also be seen by the fact that the Spanish league has also gained a lot of popularity amongst football fans.
ResponderExcluirA real Madrid jersey would be an easy one to find since most retailers have realized that they are in high demand. As a matter of fact several people who want to buy football shirts look for Spanish league jerseys. You might find that a camisetas de atletico Madrid is just as popular as a Manchester united camiseta and if you compare the two teams, atletico Madrid does not rank that highly in the Spanish league compared to Manchester city which ranks highly in the English premier league.
There are several reasons one may want to buy football shirts but the main one is to show support for their team. The good thing about all of this is the fact that once you buy football shirts you do not have to wait till the big game to put it on, you can put on football shirts any time with a pair of shorts or trousers. The only thing it will say about you is that you are loyal to that team; it is now also possible to place special orders when you buy football shirts. For example, if it is a Manchester united camiseta you are purchasing you can customize it such that your name camisetas de fútbol portugués just decide to buy football shirts with the name of your favorite player written on the back. That way you can support the team and even more specifically the player.
A large part of population in Brazilian football is low-income black and variegated race. Some experts believe that the Brazilian football's unique style the level of world-class are inseparable with the physical conditions when Brazilians are born. The Brazilian soccer players have strong bodies ability to control and feet "foot ability" of all black athletes, so that the confrontation in physical activity or changes in or under the actual needs of the rhythm, coordination to respond quickly.
ResponderExcluirMany elements that affect the Brazilian football. For example, playing football is simple; the rules are simple; it does not require special equipment, facilities and venues. In other words, football can be carried out on artificial turf, also can be carried out on the bare space, and even the beach or indoors. The ball can be the regular game balls; can also be filled with socks, or the direct use of circular objects, and even soft drinks and other caps of all available objects. People in authentic football jerseys use their different physical conditions to play football, which makes the large number of Brazilian participation in sport, in football, some people with football talent living in the football environment, which took them on a football way, thus it ensures a high level of soccer players in Brazil and it is extremely rich in resources, just like the basketball of United States.
Brazil national football team is the world's first winning team to get five World Cups in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002. In Brazil, the world's professional teams are more than any other national teams in the world, called the highest in the world. Officially registered soccer club has more than twenty thousands; the number of people engaged in sport is more than one million. Brazil is the World football powerful country, Camisas de Futebol Brasil this is the reason why Brazil is chosen to hold 2014 World Cup.
Sai Bernard , entra: ANELKA!!!!!!!!! eterna chacota